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Understanding Deafness


Date: Feb 15, 2023 2/15/23; 2/22/23; 3/01/23

Time: 01:00 PM – 2:15 PM

Price: Free for members and their staff; $35/Non-members

Attention is given to increase the participants’ knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the varieties of Deaf cultural experiences. The webinars seek to educate participants to communicate and interact with the Deaf and to apply this knowledge within their work settings to where this knowledge of deafness and deaf culture is essential. The first series would focus on the Deaf culture itself from a historical perspective. This would include statistics and various categories of deafness and hearing loss. This will also include Deaf people from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds. The second series involves the language and its major features including the uniqueness of the language and the contrast between language and other forms of communication. Participants will learn of language deprivation in the deaf community and the importance of early intervention. Lack of a fully accessible visual language such as American Sign Language has been proven to be the cause of poor language outcomes. Basis sign language will also be taught. The last of the series covers strengthening services for survivors to improve people’s lives and strengthen the communities. Included in this series are the tools to make communication accessible. This includes interpreters, various accessible equipment, and the dos and don’ts of deaf etiquette. Examples of the participants’ own experiences through their personal or professional life will be discussed and how to apply this knowledge to provide deeper understanding and a more meaningful relationship with the Deaf community.


Lou Goings




Please contact Jasmeen Kairam,


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