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Can We Talk About That? Partnership Blog


“Can We Talk About That?” Partnership Blog

The Partnership envisions this blog to be a thoughtful space for questions, dialogue and reflections on our domestic violence movement in California.

What is at the core of our work? How do our enduring values inform our current strategies and future directions? Where do we need to do some critical thinking and take some risks? How do we re-envision this movement? What leadership do we need? How do we foster strategic alliances?

Here in this blog, we seek to foster conversations about the ways intersecting social justice issues impact our work and our communities. Transformational thinking, innovation and inspiration will guide our dialogue.

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When schools ignore dating abuse, they fail victims and offenders, by allowing violent behavior to escalate

An Executive Director at a Northern California domestic violence (DV) organization shared this story that shows that when schools ignore dating abuse, they fail both victims and offenders:

In 2009-2010 fiscal year, our organization saw a 45% increase in youth and young adults seeking services. A total of 112 young people came in for services, including crisis intervention, counseling, and assistance with filing for restraining orders.

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Marissa’s story: “No other teen should reach out for help at school, only to be rejected by adults who are unaware of the dangers of dating abuse, and unable or unwilling to help.”

The abuse that Marissa Presley endured by a much older boyfriend at the age of 14 resulted in truancy, difficulty focusing at school, and extensive health and mental health consequences. When she confided to a well-meaning school counselor, thedisastrous advice she received was, “Hang in there.” Now Marissa manages dating abuse prevention programs for Laura’s House in Orange County. Sadly, she has heard stories similar to her own from far too many teens who have been abused in their dating relationships.

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Morgan’s story: “I knew that it was not acceptable for a victim of abuse on campus to be told, ‘There’s nothing we can do.’”

After being abused by her boyfriend, Morgan Berschauer reached out to her high school when his ongoing harassment after their break-up continued to affect her school life. The school told her there was nothing they could do. Since then she’s been organizing other students and volunteering with Laura’s House. Morgan was crowned Miss Laguna Hills Teen 2012 by the City of Laguna Hills for work to spread education about dating abuse. Herschool is beginning to recognize the problem of dating abuse, and they’ve invited Laura’s House to give workshops to students.

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School Policies Are Necessary to Prevent Dating Abuse

Research shows that dating abuse compromises student safety and academic achievement and that school policies are key to preventing abuse on campus.

That is why over 25 states have adopted laws to address dating abuse in schools. Read why California should do the same:

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Sarah’s story: “It still shocks me that even though students saw the assault and my teacher saw the aftermath, when I actively sought help from my school I was turned away.”

Sarah Van Zanten is a dating abuse survivor whose story shows us why schools need to have dating abuse policies. Sarah was abused by her boyfriend at her school in Palo Alto. After her school failed to respond to a physical assault on campus, her boyfriend’s violence continued and escalated. Eventually it became unsafe for Sarah to continue to attend her high school.

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Liz’s story: Cindi’s tragic death should be a wake up call for all schools

Liz Gomez works as the Site Coordinator for Woodcraft Rangers at South East High School in South Gate, California. Since South East High student Cindi Santana was murdered in September 2011, she has been supporting the leadership of youth who are working to ensure that all students, “Live Violence Free.”

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Dating abuse and truancy: when students don’t feel safe at school

An advocate who works at a domestic violence service provider in Central California shared this story that shows the connection between dating abuse and truancy: 

A female high school student sought counseling from our agency after her ex-boyfriend yelled at her and ripped her jacket off of her during lunch after she broke up with him. She stopped going to school after this incident because she was afraid of him. 

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Will AB 1880 increase schools’ liability?

California schools are liable for ensuring that all students have access to a safe learning environment. When schools do not appropriately address dating abuse, they increase their liability. AB 1880 will make sure schools have a plan in place to address dating abuse so that they reduce their liability.

School safety plans already address child abuse and peer-to-peer violence, and now more are addressing bullying. It’s about time that schools also address dating abuse, so that all students can be safe at school

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What is the difference between “dating abuse” and “teen dating violence”?

Our experience has shown that the term “teen dating violence” inadvertently emphasizes physical violence over other forms of violence and abuse, which contributes to the under-recognition of the full spectrum of harmful behaviors and adverse impact of dating abuse in the lives of students.

This term “dating abuse” is used, because the term “abuse” more accurately communicates the range of behaviors that are included in the definition of both dating violence and dating abuse.

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Isn’t dating abuse sufficiently addressed by bullying policies?

The nature of the relationships between students are distinct in bullying and dating abuse (peers versus dating partners). Therefore, the dynamics are distinct in significant ways.

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Are school districts opposed to adopting dating abuse policies?

Many school districts are interested in developing a dating abuse policy, but look to the state law for direction. However, California Education Code does not define dating abuse or provide any guidance on how to develop an effective dating abuse policy.

Some school districts have already adopted a dating abuse policy, including Oakland Unified School District and Los Angeles Unified School District.

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What is dating abuse?

“Teen dating violence [is] far too prevalent and prevents far too many students from being able to focus on their education.”
– Kevin Jennings, the Assistant Deputy Secretary, US Department of Education

Dating abuse, also known as teen dating violence, is the use of physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, or technological conduct by a person to harm, threaten, intimidate, or control a dating partner, regardless of whether that relationship is continuing or has concluded, or the number of interactions between the individuals involved.

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School-based dating abuse prevention laws by State

Many states have passed legislation to address dating abuse in schools. Here is a summary of some of the significant laws by state, in alphabetical order.

California, once a leader in dating abuse prevention legislation, is now begin to lag behind.

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What are the distinct dynamics of dating abuse?

Because dating abuse occurs in a relationship characterized by romantic or intimate feelings, there are dynamics that are distinct from other forms of violence.

These distinctive aspects of dating abuse make it one of the most confusing and overlooked forms of violence.

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How pervasive and harmful is dating abuse?

Dating abuse is one of the most overlooked forms of violence.

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Can schools enforce protection orders?

While schools have a duty to comply with civil and criminal orders of protection, some school administrators may wonder on a practical level how school staff can enforce protection orders.

Law enforcement has the legal responsibility to enforce restraining orders, including on school campuses.

Schools have the legal responsibility to keep students safe while they are at school. It’s crucial for schools to enforce court-ordered protective orders for the safety of all students and staff who could be harmed.

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Doesn’t California Education Code already address dating abuse?

“Teen relationship violence” is mentioned in Sections 32260-32270 in reference to a 1985 program, and in Section 32228 in reference to a 1999 program, both of which are no longer funded. 

California Education Code does not define dating abuse, require schools to prohibit dating abuse, or require schools to have policies and procedures in place to address it. 

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Resources for school districts

Many resources exist to support school districts in crafting and enacting policies and procedures to address dating abuse and support healthy teen relationships.

Fact sheets

Teen Dating Violence – A Fact Sheet for Schools (US Department of Education Office of Safe and Healthy Students)

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Should schools intervene in students’ private relationships?

California schools have “an obligation to protect pupils from mistreatment from other children” and to protect the right of every student “to attend campuses which are safe, secure, and peaceful.”[1] 

California schools have an obligation to address threats to a student’s safety on campus, whether those threats come from a peer or a dating partner. The intent of AB 1880 is not to intervene in students’ private relationships, but rather to ensure that all students can be safe at school.